Stem Cell Therapy in Lucknow for Effective Hair Loss Solutions
A stem cell therapy is similar to a traditional hair transplant, rather than removing a large number of hairs to transplant to the area of hair loss, a stem cell therapy removes a small skin sample from which hair follicles are harvested. The follicles are then replicated in a lab and implanted back into the scalp in the areas of hair loss. This allows hair to grow where the follicles were taken from, as well as where they’re transplanted.

Treatment Procedure

Before and After Effect of Stem cell Therapy - Hair loss
The follicles are then replicated in a lab and implanted back into the scalp in the areas of hair loss. This allows hair to grow where the follicles were taken from, as well as where they’re transplanted.
Hair loss is not at all a disease, but an outcome of different disorders. Different factors are responsible for hair loss including hormonal imbalance, stress, indigestion, malnutrition, sleep disorder, and also hereditary factor. Moreover hair loss is a natural process with ageing. However, many people loss hair at early life, which give them an older appearance and they become desperate to obtain a long-term remedy.