Treatment & Procedures
- Mesotherapy For Hairloss
- Laser Hair Reduction
- Moles, DPN's, Skin Tags , Warts
- Reviderm Skin Polishing
- Leucoderma surgeries
- Acne Scar Reduction
- NBUVB Photo Therapy
- Anti-Pigmentation
- Dark circle reduction
- Clinical Research
- Pores
- Melasma
- Spectra Peel
- Tattoo Removal
- Nd:YAG Laser
- Skin Tightening
- Skin Rejuvenation
- Botox & Fillers
- Skin Tightening
- Skin Rejuvenation
- Botox & Fillers
- Vein Removal
- Rosacea
- Hair Transplant
- PRP Treatment For Hair
Laser hair reduction for unwanted hair ( NdYag laser) ----
DHI – direct hair implantation
DHI is a simple and exclusive that helps in eliminating the use of scalpels and stitches, avoiding the pain caused during the procedure. We not only provide you hair implantation but naturals results, permanent growth and paramount safety.
LHR- Laser hair reduction
Laser hair reduction is the process of removing unwanted hair by means of exposure to pulses of laser light that destroy the hair follicle. Laser hair reduction is a convenient, noninvasive method for permanently reducing or removing unwanted facial or body hair.
Soprano ice
Soprano ice is the most complete and effective hair removal solution available today. By incorporating multiple laser wavelengths and technologies.

Once absorbed, the light transforms into heat, destroying the entire part of the follicle responsible for the growth of new hair. The laser is usually pulsed, or "turned on", for only a fraction of a second, transferring just enough light energy to destroy the hair follicle without allowing excess heat to be transferred to the surrounding skin. The result of this process is more selective hair follicle damage and less skin damage.
At Derma klinic, L.H.R. is only performed by trained clinician. Combination of Contemporary laser and clinician expertise vastly reduces complications.

Observed results
Normal individuals: Generally 6-8 sitting are required for facial hair treatement for permanent hair reduction.
Individuals with hormonal imbalance and those who have thick hair growth require extra sitting i.e. 11-15 sitting for permanent hair reduction.
A hormonal analysis by a qualified endocrinologist & treatment for the hormonal problem if any will help in effective results. Untreated hormonal problem individuals may not see any results.
After each sitting these will be a reduction of 10 to30% of hair and the thickness of hair also reduce gradually after every sitting.
Considerable results may not be seen in the first or second sittings However results may be observed after the 3rd Or 4th sitting in general.